Cala Saona is a small cove located to the east of the island of Formentera and to the east of Punta Rasa, which belongs to the parish of Sant Francesc Xavier. This name comes from the Catalan Savona. This Cove on its left side facing the sea has quays, where the fishermen have their fishing boats and some others where the fishermen keep their work tools. In addition, above these houses and we find trees characteristic for their appearance, since they do not have leaves, these trees are used to hang the fish and obtain the dried fish. This cove is characterized by its orange colored rock and its transparent waters.

Cala Saona is a small cove located to the east of the island of Formentera and to the east of Punta Rasa, which belongs to the parish of Sant Francesc Xavier. This name comes from the Catalan Savona. This Cove on its left side facing the sea has quays, where the fishermen have their fishing boats and some others where the fishermen keep their work tools. In addition, above these houses and we find trees characteristic for their appearance, since they do not have leaves, these trees are used to hang the fish and obtain the dried fish. This cove is characterized by its orange colored rock and its transparent waters.

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Elisabeth Conrad - CC BY-SA 1.0
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