Kisha e Shën Mëhillit (Berat)

( Church of St. Michael (Berat) )

The St. Michael's Church (Albanian: Kisha e Shën Mëhillit) is a medieval Byzantine church outside the Kalaja district on a hilltop of the city of Berat of Southern Albania. As part of the Historic Centres of Berat and Gjirokastër UNESCO World Heritage Site, the church was possibly constructed in the fourteenth century and is dedicated to the archangel Michael.

The church is relative small in size and was constructed on the south of the Kalaja district on a steep rock. It is a cruciform chapel instilled without any internal support, with a dome on drum and narthex on the west section. It was built on a cruciform plan with a dome on the top. The walls are characterized by combination of rows of red brick with stone. Inside the temple, the remains of painting walls retains only few trace. A collection of frescoes and icons have been preserved nowadays. In contrast to other churches in Berat, here observed proportions developed a higher level and a te...Read more

The St. Michael's Church (Albanian: Kisha e Shën Mëhillit) is a medieval Byzantine church outside the Kalaja district on a hilltop of the city of Berat of Southern Albania. As part of the Historic Centres of Berat and Gjirokastër UNESCO World Heritage Site, the church was possibly constructed in the fourteenth century and is dedicated to the archangel Michael.

The church is relative small in size and was constructed on the south of the Kalaja district on a steep rock. It is a cruciform chapel instilled without any internal support, with a dome on drum and narthex on the west section. It was built on a cruciform plan with a dome on the top. The walls are characterized by combination of rows of red brick with stone. Inside the temple, the remains of painting walls retains only few trace. A collection of frescoes and icons have been preserved nowadays. In contrast to other churches in Berat, here observed proportions developed a higher level and a tendency to perfecting architectural forms.

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