Sunland Baobab (also Platland Baobab, Mooketsi Baobab, Tree Bar, Big Baobab or Pub Tree) is a well-known enormous baobab (Adansonia digitata) in South Africa. The tree is located on Sunland Farm (Platland Farm), near Modjadjiskloof (previously known as Duiwelskloof), Limpopo Province. In one study the tree was carbon-dated and found to be an estimated 1,060 years old, plus or minus 75 years. Results of other studies have however suggested much higher ages. The tree used to bloom profusely in spring, at some stage providing a refuge to two pairs of owls, and other bird species. Most of the tree died in 2016 and 2017.

When the internal hollows were cleared of compost in 1993, evidence of Bushmen and Voortrekker visitors was found. Carbon investigations inside the hollows testified to fires in 1650 AD, 1750–1780, 1900, 1955 and 1990.[1]

^ Adrian Patrut; Karl F. von Reden; Daniel A. Lowy; Diana H. Mayne; Robert van Pelt; Ann P. McNichol; Mark L. Roberts; Dragos Margineanu. "Fire history of a giant African baobab evinced by radiocarbon dating: comparative calibration with Northern vs. Southern hemisphere data sets" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2009-12-22. Retrieved 2010-01-20.
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South African Tourism from South Africa - CC BY 2.0
JTeessen - CC BY-SA 4.0
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