
( Three Gorges )

The Three Gorges (simplified Chinese: 三峡; traditional Chinese: 三峽; pinyin: ) are three adjacent and sequential gorges along the middle reaches of the Yangtze River path, in the hinterland of the People's Republic of China. With a subtropical monsoon climate, they are known for their scenery.

The Three Gorges—comprising the Qutang, followed by the Wu, and finally the Xiling gorges—span 193 miles (311 km), beginning at Baidi City of Chongqing, in the west and ending at Nanjing Pass, at Yichang City, Hubei Province, in the east, between which are the Fengjie and Wu Mountains of Chongqing, as well as Badong, Zigui, and Yichang of Hubei Province.

Photographies by:
Tan Wei Liang Byorn - CC BY 3.0
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