
( Budapest-Bamako )

The Budapest-Bamako or Great African Run is a charity car race in Africa, and the largest amateur rally in the world. It is a low-budget version of the Dakar Rally, and goes from Budapest, Hungary to Bamako, Mali through the Sahara. It passes through Hungary, Austria or Slovenia, Italy, France, Spain, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania and Mali. The Budapest-Bamako was inspired by the Paris-Dakar Rally. There are few entry restrictions: as long as a vehicle is street legal, it can join the event. The event also raises money and supplies for local communities and charities in Mali.

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Wo kann man in der Nähe schlafen? Budapest-Bamako ?
492.823 Besuche insgesamt, 9.215 Sehenswürdigkeiten, 405 Ziele, 111 besucht heute.