ارگ کریم‌خان

( Arg of Karim Khan )

The Arg of Karim Khan (Persian: ارگ کریم خان, Arg-e Karim Khān) or Karim Khan Citadel, is a citadel located in downtown Shiraz, Iran. It was built as part of a complex during the Zand dynasty. It is named after Karim Khan, and served as his living quarters. It is rectangular in shape and resembles a medieval fortress. In the past, the citadel was sometimes used as a prison. Today, it is a museum operated by Iran's Cultural Heritage Organization.

Karim Khan citadel is located at the beginning of Karim Khan Zand (Shiraz) street on the corner of the Municipality Square (Shahrdari). Karim Khan was influenced by the Safavid architecture when his government was established in Shiraz. So that after visiting Isfahan Naghshe Jahan Square, he decided to build a large square in the northern Shiraz. This field was known as Artillery Square. To the north of the square, located Divan Karim Khan Square and to its east, Vakil Bazaar and several inns. To the south of the square, were located Hammam Vakil and Vakil Mosque. On the southwest, there was a garden, and to the west, the Arg citadel. After the conquest of Shiraz by Mohammad Khan, he decided to demolish the buildings of Karim Khan in a hostility to Karim Khan. Following this decision, a number of Zandiyah era buildings were demolished, including the border fence built around Shiraz by Karim Khan. Fortunately, the Arg citadel was protected from demolition and was used as an emirate court appointed by the central government to Amiri and the Fars governorate. [1]

After the fall of the Qajar dynasty it was converted into a prison and the paintings were plastered over. In 1971 it was given to Iran's Cultural Heritage Organization. The renovation of the castle started in 1977.

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Mostafameraji - CC BY-SA 4.0
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