The cypresses of San Quirico d'Orcia are located on a hill overlooking from the south a section of the Via Cassia that crosses the northern part of the municipal territory of San Quirico d'Orcia, in the locality " The Triboli ". Cypresses represent the naturalistic and landscape symbol, not only of the municipality and the area in which they are located but also of the whole of Tuscany.

These are two distinct groups of trees, located in an isolated way on rounded hills of modest height and devoid of other types of tall vegetation. The first group of cypresses form a small and thick rhomboid-shaped grove located at the geographical coordinates 43 ° 03′45.62 ″ N 11 ° 33′31.86 ″ E span> , while the second group of cypresses is located along a dirt r...Read more

The cypresses of San Quirico d'Orcia are located on a hill overlooking from the south a section of the Via Cassia that crosses the northern part of the municipal territory of San Quirico d'Orcia, in the locality " The Triboli ". Cypresses represent the naturalistic and landscape symbol, not only of the municipality and the area in which they are located but also of the whole of Tuscany.

These are two distinct groups of trees, located in an isolated way on rounded hills of modest height and devoid of other types of tall vegetation. The first group of cypresses form a small and thick rhomboid-shaped grove located at the geographical coordinates < span title = "Maps, aerial photos and other data for this location"> 43 ° 03′45.62 ″ N 11 ° 33′31.86 ″ E , while the second group of cypresses is located along a dirt road that leads to a farm complex, around which they are arranged forming two distinct semicircles open towards the center of the dirt road at the geographical coordinates 43 ° 03 ′ 38.99 ″ N 11 ° 33′30.49 ″ E .

Both groups of cypresses are located on a hilly group that divides the Val d'Orcia from the Ombrone valley towards which they face.

Photographies by:
Carlo cattaneo fotografie - CC BY-SA 4.0
Samuwiki72 - CC BY-SA 4.0
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