
Gondershe (/ˈgɒndərˈʃeɪ/), also known as (Gandershe Somali pronunciation: [gõnd̪eːrʃe], گندىرشى Somali pronunciation: [gandeːrʒe]; or El Torreh Somali pronunciation: [eɫ t̪oːr̩a] Al-Toureh Arabic pronunciation: [at.tuːrah], Arabic: التوره, romanized: At-Tūrah...Read more

Gondershe (/ˈgɒndərˈʃeɪ/), also known as (Gandershe Somali pronunciation: [gõnd̪eːrʃe], گندىرشى Somali pronunciation: [gandeːrʒe]; or El Torreh Somali pronunciation: [eɫ t̪oːr̩a] Al-Toureh Arabic pronunciation: [at.tuːrah], Arabic: التوره, romanized: At-Tūrah; Swahili: Gonderashe Swahili pronunciation: [gondeɾaːʃiː]) ; is an ancient landmark on the Somali Sea, it was one of most important districts of Geledi sultanate's in the past history as well as a town, the residence of gendershe is belong to Gendershe in the Lower Shabelle region of Southwest State of Somalia. It is noted for its various historical structures.

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