
Kyunglung (alternatively Khyunglung, Qulong, or Qulongcun) is a village located within the Tibet Autonomous Region of China. Known as the "Silver Palace of Garuda Valley" (Tibetan: ཁྱུང་ལུང་དངུལ་མཁར།, Wylie: khyung lung dngul mkhar, Chinese: 曲龙村), Kyunglung Ngüka is situated southwest of Mount Kailash (Wylie: gangs ti se). It is associated with palaces found in the upper Sutlej Valley, which were once part of the capital city of the ancient Zhangzhung kingdom.

Scholars and theorists hypothesize that Kyunglung may correspond to what the Zhangzhung people referred to as Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring. Additionally, certain ancient Bonpo texts allude to present-day Tajikistan, connecting the Shangshung term "Tag-Zig" with today's "Ta-jik". The suffix "-istan" is a Persian term applied following Islamic rule. It is noted that during the 7th-century reign of the Tibetan king Songsten Gampo, Tajikist...Read more

Kyunglung (alternatively Khyunglung, Qulong, or Qulongcun) is a village located within the Tibet Autonomous Region of China. Known as the "Silver Palace of Garuda Valley" (Tibetan: ཁྱུང་ལུང་དངུལ་མཁར།, Wylie: khyung lung dngul mkhar, Chinese: 曲龙村), Kyunglung Ngüka is situated southwest of Mount Kailash (Wylie: gangs ti se). It is associated with palaces found in the upper Sutlej Valley, which were once part of the capital city of the ancient Zhangzhung kingdom.

Scholars and theorists hypothesize that Kyunglung may correspond to what the Zhangzhung people referred to as Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring. Additionally, certain ancient Bonpo texts allude to present-day Tajikistan, connecting the Shangshung term "Tag-Zig" with today's "Ta-jik". The suffix "-istan" is a Persian term applied following Islamic rule. It is noted that during the 7th-century reign of the Tibetan king Songsten Gampo, Tajikistan was under Tibetan rule. The Shangshung emperor was executed during a conflict in Amdo, a region of Tibet approximately equivalent to Qinghai province. Given that the Bon tradition's Buddha is believed to originate from this area, Tajikistan holds a significant place in Shangshung history.

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