Ninh Bình

( Ninh Bình province )

Ninh Bình (Vietnamese: [nïŋ˧˧ ʔɓïŋ˨˩] ) is a province of Vietnam in the Red River Delta region of the northern part of the country. The province is famous for a high density of natural and cultural attractions, including reserved parks in Cúc Phương National Park and Vân Long, grotto caves and rivers in Tràng An, Tam Cốc-Bích Động and Múa Caves, historic monuments in the Hoa Lư ancient capital, Vietnam's largest buddhist worshiping complex (Bái Đính Temple), and the Phát Diệm Cathedral with "eclectic architectural style". Thanks to its adjacency to Hanoi, day trips from the capital are easily manageable.

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