Parc Natural de les Llacunes de La Mata i Torrevella

The lagunas de la Mata-Torrevella are located in the region of Baix Segura; they occupy part of the municipal terms of Guardamar del Segura, Torrevella, Los Montesinos and Rojales. They form, together with Fondo and the Salines de Santa Pola (the Albufera d'Elx), a triangle of wetlands of international importance, south of Alicante.

The Natural Park of the Mata and Torrevella Lagoons has an area of u200bu200b3,700 hectares, 2,100 of which are sheets of water, while the rest corresponds to the redones (1,400 hectares, the lagoon of Torrevella and 700 la de la Mata).

The two lagoons are separated from each other by an anticline called El Chaparral. A channel joins both depressions which, in addition, are artificially connected to the sea by means of another channel known as El Acequión, thus forming a salt exploitation unit. La Mata lagoon acts as a heating reservoir while the salt harvest is carried out in Torrevella.

The lagoons are located ...Read more

The lagunas de la Mata-Torrevella are located in the region of Baix Segura; they occupy part of the municipal terms of Guardamar del Segura, Torrevella, Los Montesinos and Rojales. They form, together with Fondo and the Salines de Santa Pola (the Albufera d'Elx), a triangle of wetlands of international importance, south of Alicante.

The Natural Park of the Mata and Torrevella Lagoons has an area of u200bu200b3,700 hectares, 2,100 of which are sheets of water, while the rest corresponds to the redones (1,400 hectares, the lagoon of Torrevella and 700 la de la Mata).

The two lagoons are separated from each other by an anticline called El Chaparral. A channel joins both depressions which, in addition, are artificially connected to the sea by means of another channel known as El Acequión, thus forming a salt exploitation unit. La Mata lagoon acts as a heating reservoir while the salt harvest is carried out in Torrevella.

The lagoons are located in the Neoquaternary basin, formed by the reliefs corresponding to the Baix Segura and Sant Miquel de les Salines group of faults. A set of rambles and ravines of an intermittent regime pour their waters there, especially in the lagoon of Torrevella, due to its proximity to the Serra de Sant Miquel de les Salines.

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