Sultan Han (Aksaray)

( Sultan Han )

Sultan Han is a large 13th-century Seljuk caravanserai located in the town of Sultanhanı, Aksaray Province, Turkey. It is one of the three monumental caravanserais in the neighbourhood of Aksaray and is located about 40 km (25 mi) west of Aksaray on the road to Konya.

This fortified structure was built in 1229 (dated by inscription), during the reign of the Seljuk sultan Kayqubad I (r. 1220-1237), by the Syrian architect Muhammad ibn Khalwan al-Dimashqi[1] (Dimashqi meaning from Damascus) along the Uzun Yolu (lit. long road) trade route leading from Konya to Aksaray and continuing into Persia. After it was partially destroyed by a fire, it was restored and extended in 1278 by the governor Seraceddin Ahmed Kerimeddin bin El Hasan during the reign of the sultan Kaykhusraw III.

^ Kenneth Hayes (2010). "The Wooden Hypostyle Mosques of Anatolia: Mosque- and State-Building under Mongol Suzerainty" (PDF). Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. p. 133. Retrieved 27 February 2015. 'Alā' al-Dīn Kay Qubād's reign is generally recognized as the height of Seljuk state power.... the new Sultan's architectural agenda... was definitely oriented southward to Syria. Note 23: For example, he employed the Syrian architect Muhammad ibn Khalwan al-Dimashqi to extend the Sultanic mosque in Konya. See Crane, Muslim Patronage in Saljuq Anatolia, 109.
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