Tombatossals (personatge de ficció)

Tombatossals is a mythical giant with a good and strong character, who, according to legend, founded the city of Castelló de la Plana. To achieve this foundation he received the help of a group of friends: Cagueme, the volunteer; Bufanúvols, the blower; Arrancapins, the forceful, or Tragapinyols, the eschatological.

Tombatossals is the son of the mountains Penyeta Roja and Tossal Gros, and his birth is due to the intervention of Bufanúvols, a character who causes a great storm capable to make the mountains fall.

Tombatossals lives, together with his friends, in the Cave of Wonders, from which they are absent to answer the call for help from the children of the Bearded King, who they wanted to reclaim the lands they had inherited. By helping these heirs, the group of friends experience numerous adventures and misadventures, such as the war against the inhabitants of the Columbretes for the conquest of the islands.

This legend is collected in the form of a sto...Read more

Tombatossals is a mythical giant with a good and strong character, who, according to legend, founded the city of Castelló de la Plana. To achieve this foundation he received the help of a group of friends: Cagueme, the volunteer; Bufanúvols, the blower; Arrancapins, the forceful, or Tragapinyols, the eschatological.

Tombatossals is the son of the mountains Penyeta Roja and Tossal Gros, and his birth is due to the intervention of Bufanúvols, a character who causes a great storm capable to make the mountains fall.

Tombatossals lives, together with his friends, in the Cave of Wonders, from which they are absent to answer the call for help from the children of the Bearded King, who they wanted to reclaim the lands they had inherited. By helping these heirs, the group of friends experience numerous adventures and misadventures, such as the war against the inhabitants of the Columbretes for the conquest of the islands.

This legend is collected in the form of a story by the Castellon author Josep Pasqual Tirado, in the work entitled Tombatossals, published in Castelló de la Plana in 1930.

In the city of Castelló there are several sculptures that decorate different roundabouts in which these mythological characters appear that they are so important in the history of the city. The sculptures are the work of the Sevillian artist Melchor Zapata.

The heroic and adventurous life of this fictional character has been adapted to various occasions through other books, such as the theatrical adaptation made by Matilde Salvador, "The daughter of the Bearded King"; or the children's story. "Journey to the country of Tombatossals", work by Vicent Pitarch Almela, philologist and cultural activist; with illustrations by Joan Montañés, known as Chipell.

The character of Tombatossals appears in the anthem of Castelló (el Rotllo i Canya), in the Pregó, there is even a literature prize kindergarten with his name, as well as a school, among other ways to pay tribute to him for his importance in the popular history of the city.

A project was also carried out thanks to the Valencian company, based in Castelló, Nereida Animation Films, to make an animated feature film about this character. In addition, the Valencian Institute of Audiovisual and Cinematography will grant a grant of nearly 150,000 euros for "Gegant, la legenda de Tombatossals", a film based on the history of Tombatossals.

The film has a script by Miquel Beltrán and the design of the characters is by Harald Siepermann, animator who has worked for the Disney factory in projects such as 'Mulan', 'Roger Rabbit' or 'Tarzan'. The film, about 90 minutes long, mixes classic animation with 3D. The original idea was for the film to be dubbed in Valencian, to later be dubbed in Spanish.

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