Yazılı, Han

Yazılı (also: Yazılıkaya, lit. 'inscribed rock'), Phrygian Yazılıkaya, or Midas Kenti (Midas city) is a neighbourhood of the municipality and district of Alpu, Eskişehir Province, Turkey. Its population is 45 (2022). It is located about 27 km south of Seyitgazi, 66 km south of Eskişehir, and 51 km north of Afyonkarahisar. It is known for its Phrygian archaeological remains and inscription mentioning Midas.

The ancient remains consist of a settlement, sometimes Midas City and a number of rock-cut reliefs, of which the most famous is the Midas Monument, formerly identified as the tomb of Midas. There are two other rock-cut reliefs, known as the Unfinished monument and the Hyacinth monuments.

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