The Geierlay is a suspension bridge in the low mountain range of the Hunsrück in central Germany. It was opened in 2015. It has a span range of 360 metres (1,180 ft) and is up to 100 metres (330 ft) above ground. On both sides of the bridge are the villages of Mörsdorf and Sosberg. A stream named Mörsdorfer Bach runs through the valley below the bridge. The nearest city is Kastellaun 8 km eastwards. The state capital Mainz is 66 km towards east.

The bridge has a weight of 57 tons and can support 50 tons. It is a pedestrians only bridge and is open permanently without a fee for walking on the bridge. Twenty per cent of all visitors visiting the bridge do not cross it. The bridge site is within the Top 100 sightseeing destinations in Germany.

Swiss Engineer Hans Pfaffen designed the bridge with similarities to Nepalese suspension bridges.

Fotografías por:
Kreuzschnabel - CC BY-SA 3.0
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