Casa Bofarull is an old farmhouse in the municipality of Pallaresos that was renovated by the architect Josep M. Jujol from 1914. Protected, initially, as a cultural asset of local interest The farmhouse of this one is also included in the Inventory of the Architectural Heritage of Catalonia.

Result of an order from Dolors and Pepita Bofarull to repair the roof and which became a complete reform of this house with a whole series of adjacent buildings that extended to the 1930. Highlights include the large blue gallery, the very wide 10-metre arch made of brick and located at the entrance, Jujol repeats the wrought-iron seats on the balcony that he had made in the Ximenis house in Tarragona. Among the decorative elements are the trencadís, especially on the roof, and the sgraffitos made directly by Jujol. In October 2022 it was declared BCIN, in the category of historical monument.

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Breosuncinsoro - CC BY-SA 4.0
Breosuncinsoro - CC BY-SA 4.0
Breosuncinsoro - CC BY-SA 4.0
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