The Tarragona castle competition is a castle competition that takes place every two years in the Tarraco Arena Plaça de Tarragona, formerly called "plaça de braus". The contest currently takes place on the Sunday of the first weekend in October in even years. The rules of the Tarragona castles competition determine a specific score for the castles, depending on their difficulty. Loaded castles score less than unloaded castles, and penalty points are subtracted for different concepts (reaching a castle on the second attempt, not making the fin, dismounting less than three castlers, etc.). The sum of the three best castles of different structure (a 3 of 8 is not compatible if a 3 of 9 has been loaded with lining) determines a final ranking, based on which the gangs receive cash prizes and a cup for the winner. A jury ensures the correct application of the rules of the competition. The numerical weighting of the difficulty of the castles, the differences between one structure an...Read more

The Tarragona castle competition is a castle competition that takes place every two years in the Tarraco Arena Plaça de Tarragona, formerly called "plaça de braus". The contest currently takes place on the Sunday of the first weekend in October in even years. The rules of the Tarragona castles competition determine a specific score for the castles, depending on their difficulty. Loaded castles score less than unloaded castles, and penalty points are subtracted for different concepts (reaching a castle on the second attempt, not making the fin, dismounting less than three castlers, etc.). The sum of the three best castles of different structure (a 3 of 8 is not compatible if a 3 of 9 has been loaded with lining) determines a final ranking, based on which the gangs receive cash prizes and a cup for the winner. A jury ensures the correct application of the rules of the competition. The numerical weighting of the difficulty of the castles, the differences between one structure and another and the greater or lesser difference in score between a loaded or unloaded castle generate a recurrent controversy in each edition.

Objects linked to some of the editions of the Contest are part of the collection of the Museu Casteller de Catalunya and will remain on display there.

Photographies by:
Manel Tineo - CC BY 2.0
Manel Tineo - CC BY 2.0
Lluistuset - CC BY-SA 3.0
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