Pidurangala Vihara

Pidurangala Vihara (Sinhala: පිදුරංගල විහාරය) is an ancient Buddhist temple situated in Pidurangala village of Matale District, Sri Lanka. The temple was constructed on a massive rock called Pidurangala, which is located a few kilometers north of the historical fort Sigiriya.

It is believed that the history of Pidurangala Vihara goes back beyond to the first and second century BC.[1] From those days Pidurangala was used as a Buddhist monastery but became a prominent place during the reign of King Kashyapa (473 - 495 AC).

 Pidurangala Temple Inscriptions in early Brahmi script

According to ancient chronicles, Prince Kashyapa had killed his father King Dhatusena and fled to Sigiriya to find out a more secure place to prevent retaliation attacks from his half-brother, Mugalan. With the arrival of King Kashyapa, the Bhikkus who were meditated there were requested move to the nearby Pidurangala.[2] In a sort of compensation, King Kashyapa refurbished the temple and made it a prominent place.[1]

^ a b "Pidurangala Temple Archaeological Site". srilankatravelnotes. July 2012. Retrieved 14 April 2016. ^ "Pidurangala: In the midst of serenity". The Sunday Times. 1 November 2009. Retrieved 14 April 2016.
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Ji-Elle - CC BY-SA 3.0
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