قلب لوزة

( Qalb Loze )

Qalb Loze (Arabic: قلب لوزة, also spelled Qalb Lawzah or Qalb Lozeh) is a Druze village in northwestern Syria, administratively part of the Idlib Governorate located about 35 kilometres (22 mi) west of Aleppo. It is situated near the border with Turkey, in the A'la Mountain and is part of an area known as the "Dead Cities". According to the Syria Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Qalb Loze had a population of 1,290 in the 2004 census.

The village is well-noted for its 5th-century church and other Byzantine-era ruins. Its name Qalb Lozeh translates as "Heart of the Almond". Most of the residents work in agriculture and primarily cultivate tobacco and olives. The tobacco is used for the local cigarette industry.

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Bertramz - CC BY-SA 3.0
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