De syv søstrene

( Seven Sisters Waterfall (Norway) )

The Seven Sisters (Norwegian: De Syv Søstrene or Dei sju systrene, also known as Knivsflåfossen) is the 39th tallest waterfall in Norway. The 410-metre (1,350 ft) tall waterfall consists of seven separate streams, and the tallest of the seven has a free fall that measures 250 metres (820 ft).

The waterfall is located along the Geirangerfjorden in Stranda Municipality in Møre og Romsdal county, Norway. The waterfall is located just south of the historic Knivsflå farm, across the fjord from the old Skageflå farm. The falls are about 6.5 kilometres (4.0 mi) west of the village of Geiranger. It is part of the Geiranger World Heritage Site.

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