
Stryneelva or Strynselva is a river in the municipality of Stryn in Vestland county, Norway. It has a length of about 8 kilometres (5.0 mi), starting from the lake Oppstrynsvatn, assuming a meandering course through the Strynedalen valley and reaching the Nordfjorden at the village of Stryn. The river is among the best salmon rivers in Norway.

Stryneelva or Strynselva is a river in the municipality of Stryn in Vestland county, Norway. It has a length of about 8 kilometres (5.0 mi), starting from the lake Oppstrynsvatn, assuming a meandering course through the Strynedalen valley and reaching the Nordfjorden at the village of Stryn. The river is among the best salmon rivers in Norway.

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