Museo Oro del Perú y Armas del Mundo

( Gold Museum of Peru and Arms of the World )

The Gold Museum of Peru and Weapons of the World is a Peruvian museum, located in Lima.

 Nose ring of the Moche culture.

In the 1960s, Miguel Mujica Gallo used his private collection, gathered throughout his life, to open the "Gold Museum of Peru and Weapons of the World", located in the district of Santiago de Surco. It is in a two-story building made of reinforced concrete and accessed through a vault-style entrance.

The museum was donated to the state of Perú by Gallo and is now administered by Foundation Miguel Mujica Gallo, which is currently directed by Victoria Mujica Diez Canseco.[1]

^ "Fakes In Peru's Gold Museum". Forbes. 2002-01-09. Retrieved 2017-11-03.
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