Tre Cime di Lavaredo

The Tre Cime di Lavaredo (Italian for 'Three Peaks of Lavaredo'; pronounced [ˌtre tˈtʃiːme di lavaˈreːdo]), also called the Drei Zinnen (German for 'Three Merlons'); pronounced [ˌdʁaɪ ˈtsɪnən] ), are three distinctive battlement-like peaks, in the Sexten Dolomites of northeastern Italy. They are probably one of the best-known mountain groups in the Alps. The three peaks, from east to west, are:

  • Cima Piccola / Kleine Zinne ("little peak")
  • Cima Grande / Große Zinne ("big peak")
  • Cima Ovest / Westliche Zinne ("western peak").

The peaks are composed of well-layered dolomites ...Read more

The Tre Cime di Lavaredo (Italian for 'Three Peaks of Lavaredo'; pronounced [ˌtre tˈtʃiːme di lavaˈreːdo]), also called the Drei Zinnen (German for 'Three Merlons'); pronounced [ˌdʁaɪ ˈtsɪnən] ), are three distinctive battlement-like peaks, in the Sexten Dolomites of northeastern Italy. They are probably one of the best-known mountain groups in the Alps. The three peaks, from east to west, are:

  • Cima Piccola / Kleine Zinne ("little peak")
  • Cima Grande / Große Zinne ("big peak")
  • Cima Ovest / Westliche Zinne ("western peak").

The peaks are composed of well-layered dolomites of the Dolomia Principale (Hauptdolomit) formation, Carnian to Rhaetian in age, as are many other groups in the Dolomites (e.g., the Tofane, the Pelmo or the Cinque Torri).

Until 1919 the peaks formed part of the border between Italy and Austria-Hungary. Now they lie on the border between the Italian provinces of South Tyrol and Belluno and still are a part of the linguistic boundary between German-speaking and Italian-speaking majorities. The Cima Grande has an elevation of 2,999 metres (9,839 ft). It stands between the Cima Piccola, at 2,857 metres (9,373 ft), and the Cima Ovest, at 2,973 metres (9,754 ft).

 Monument to Bersaglieri ("marksmen") at Tre Cime di Lavaredo

Since the front line between Italy and Austria-Hungary during World War I ran through the Tre Cime peaks, there are a number of fortifications, trenches, tunnels, iron ladders, and commemorative plaques in the area. There was intense fighting throughout the so-called "White War" between 1915 and 1917.

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Walwegs - Public domain
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